Leave it to a photographer to start something like Hungry Ghost. Every photo, every post either makes you want to cook, eat, travel and/or eat more. Andrea Gentl, photographer(Gentl + Hyers), traveler, food lover has started the site Hungry Ghost that, not unlike another Secret Forts fave(and coincidentally another photographer's site, The William Brown Project) focuses on the simple joys in life; good food made by hand, travel, and all of it shot wonderfully.
Hungry Ghost, being, for starters, the title of a Cure song as well as a damn good song by an old favorite (now defunct) Brooklyn band Dan Melchior's Broke Revue, refers to an 'Eastern phrase representing beings who are driven by intense emotional needs in an animalistic way'(Wiki). And it's in this very vein that Andrea's Hungry Ghost exists. A beautiful and deeply felt reflection of her life through her lens. It's a site after my own heart; visits to Brooklyn stand outs Fette Sau, Maison Premiere, and Marlow. A discourse on hydroponically grown Burmese fiddlehead. A three day jaunt to Jaipur shooting hand carved block printing. The secrets of the private dining Airstream behind Diner revealed. Begun only back in March, Hungry Ghost promises to keep you hungry and in a constant state of wander lust. Book mark it now.

I've been glued to this site all morning! Hungryghostfoodandtravel is awesome
nice find.
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