Next up in the Head to Toe invitational, from across the pond, the mastermind behind Sane Communications, columnist
over at Selectism and all around good bloke, Steve Monaghan...
*Canon G5
*Blackberry Curve
*Vintage Rolex Air King
*Porter Briefcase
*Super Frames
*Vintage LL Bean anorak

*RL bow-tie
*Nigel Cabourn knit vest
*RL Rugby contrast collar bd shirt
*Comme des Garcons wallet
*Our Legacy Chinos
*Happy Socks
*Tricker's Malton Boots
Many thanks to Steve for taking part...

Serious cred.
All nice items individually, but the anorak seems at odds with the brogue boots. If you'd have chosen some Cons, it would have gone really well together.
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