Inside, a tiny broom wagon heralding the class act gents at Rapha arriving stateside. For three months this summer, the Rapha Cycle Club will be located at 352 Bowery in NYC. Opening Saturday, July 3rd. 8am-8pm. They'll be showing the Tour de France daily. So ride over, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the glory and suffering, stage by stage.
HERE is an older post by Jeremy over at Rapha charting the progress of the full-size Citroen H-Van's arrival.
that's a French truck
Thats right, a very nice Citroen H1. You still see a few of these on the french roads this days...
Anon #1-Umm he wast referring to the truck, he was talking about Rapha.
Easy with the "idiots" (and the all-caps, for that matter — style reasons). I'd bet Anon #1 knows well that Rapha's an English company; he's not likely to be on SF without knowing it.
He's also likely here because the blog curries in, among other things, male-centric trivia. Knowing that it's a French truck, or, specifically, a Citroen H1, is a point of pride.
Maybe they're trucks that were used during tours in the era that Rapha evokes. Maybe the Rapha guys just found a used one, liked the lines and parked it in their event space.
Maybe you even know why it's an emblem they use. Why not enlighten us rather than just sniping?
Mike, etc. Let's keep it clean. Perhaps the post title is what's throwin' anon for a loop.
Yes, Rapha's an English co. and are arriving in NYC soon. Yep, Citroens are french and were widely used during the era of road racing that Rapha embraces the ethos of. And yes, there's one, as linked in the post, they've imported and stationed inside the cycle club. I welcome all and any comments, but seriously, the name callin' ain't needed. cool?
Now go ride.
James -
I assume they are going to be selling product at the store ? Either way sounds awesome - will be a cool place to catch some of the tour.
Awesome, love Rapha! Just got myself the classic jersey and will definitely stop be the NY shop when I'm there at the end of the month....I hope they'll be selling their regular products. They should make a Carbon frame..I would consider buying it
Rapha takes such great care to embrace the classic culture of cycling. Bringing their brand for a limited time to NYC is a great move on their part to give the cycle culture of the states to taste a real Tour experience even if we can't afford the flight to France.
I don't think Rapha would make/collaborate on anything carbon, just look at what their continental riders use.
@ nothing -
the rapha guys ride Condor Leggero frames - which are carbon.
It would be great to see Rapha collaborate on a frame with Sacha White or Richard Sachs.
here's your Sachs:
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