Monday, May 30, 2011

Flahutes and Roleurs : The Rapha Continental Film.

“The greater the suffering, the greater the pleasure. That is nature’s payback to riders for the homage they pay her by suffering. Velvet pillows, safari parks, sunglasses; people have become woolly mice. They still have bodies that can walk for five days and four nights through a desert of snow, without food, but they accept praise for having taken a one-hour bicycle ride. ‘Good for you’. Instead of expressing their gratitude for the rain by getting wet, people walk around with umbrellas. Nature is an old lady with few friends these days, and those who wish to make use of her charms, she rewards passionately.” The ethos of glory through suffering from Tim Krabbe's seminal book, "The Rider". Read it then re-read it. Fall asleep it under your pillow. Get up early and go for a ride.


  1. Krabbe's quote is raw and really beautiful, thanks!
    I'll definitely try get hold of the book.

  2. Thank you sir for posting this on Memorial Day...some great American vistas we get to go out and experience courtesy of those who protect us - past & present. The Rapha clips always make me want to immediately jump on my bike and go out and explore until I can't feel feelings anymore...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i hate these bastards and their beautifully shot films.

    would give an arm for the chance to give up my seat on the L train for a few weeks in their saddles.

    good stuff.
