Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Radiant Child: Jean-Michel Basquiat, b. 12/22/60.


  1. thats a great post! good job.

    d in tx

  2. did you just watch the radiant child or something? cause this post is exactly how i felt after i watched the great documentary.

  3. I had seen the doc come up on my netflix instant account, but never really gave it any time. I think I'll check it out now. Interesting stuff. Have you seen "Exit Through The Gift Shop". I would imagine so..

  4. you should crdit photos and might even considering asking permission by their owners/takers.... Copyright was a theme throuhout Jean's life..... Stephen Torton ps, " of these photos are mine...

  5. Stephen, I certainly understand your statement and by no means do I mean any disrespect whatsoever by using photos without asking. Everything I do on Secret Forts is to chronicle those things that mean a great deal to me, Basquiat and his work certainly apart of that. I assume you are refering to the photo of Basquiat w/ Madonna(a wonderful photo). If you prefer, I will remove it without further ado.
    I respect your point and might I add, consider it fucking really cool that you found Secret Forts and took a look around. If you like, email me.
