Monday, November 29, 2010

The Fall Three: Trespasser, Mikael Kennedy.

Friend and photographer Mikael Kennedy has made it a mission to keep a dying art vital and relevant. Over the past decade or so, he's shot thousands of Polaroids. Thousands. When
I got the chance to get an advanced look at his recent show "Shoot the Moon" at the Chelsea Hotel this past April, I was overwhelmed. And that was only a fraction of them. Inexhaustibly creative, he's always hustling, always shooting, always thinking of the next thing. One of these days, we're gonna get a project going together. Until then, Mikael will be out there, beat-to-hell Filson bag full of various Polaroids, documenting life from New York to Vermont and way beyond. Wherever his storied van will take him. He'll be here and there, maybe tracking down a cache of expired Polaroid film, maybe hanging a show, maybe shooting a spec under the guise of The Explorer's Club. Whatever it may be, you can bet that a Polaroid will be involved.
And speaking of which, he's edited and compiled the latest volume of "Passport to Trespass" titled 'I can't remember where I've been', spanning Dec. '08-Sept. '09. It's a limited edition of 100 and ships Dec. 4th. So get on it. Go HERE to pre-order.
It's my great pleasure to present my buddy Mikael's Fall Three.

1)My LL Bean Signature 1947 Field Coat.
This summer my girl and I were up in Maine tooling around in my van, she was playing a show and I had an exhibit opening at 37A Gallery when my friend Alex Carleton asked us to be a photo shoot with him for Esquires Fall Black Book wearing the new LL Bean Signature line he had designed. We spent all day sailing off the coast of Portland, ME even landing on a small little island for lunch. When it was done he gave me the coat which I have been waiting to rock all summer. It is now by far my favorite thing in my closet.

2) My van
I bought this baby last summer after 10 years of talking about needing a van. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made, the back seat folds down into a bed, what more can I say. I named her Poseidon cause she's the storm that keeps me from home. Last weekend I drove out to Pittsburg to visit a an old friend, I'm convinced Pennsylvania is one of the most underrated states, all anyone ever really talks about is how long it takes to drive through it and the number of deer they see on the side of the road. I headed out west on 78 to 76 and rolled through some of the most beautiful mountain ranges and farmland I've seen in awhile, we ended up getting caught in a snow storm in the laurel highlands one afternoon, white snow on the red ferns. It's been a long summer of finishing up projects and shows and I'm finally looking forward to cruising around with no particular plan, my favorite way to wander.

3) short days & cold nights = hibernation. heading up to my friends home in Vermont for the holidays to sit by the fire and drive a hot toddy.

Big thanks to Mikael for taking part.


  1. Never mind the polaroids, that beat-to-hell Filson bag is looking damn tasty.

  2. FYI - I believe its legal in PA to harvest roadkill and process it for food and other uses... I've been following Mikael's work and really enjoy it. Friends of mine are from the Pittsburgh area and I will second those sentiments... and add that its great foraging as well
