Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Fall Three: Ben Ferencz, Freeman Transport.

On the subject of my buddy Ben(see post below), he's taken some time out of his schedule to weigh in on what's got him stoked on Fall.
Ben and his family(including Honey the milk cow which Ben rises at the crack of dawn to milk) live in Montana. Ben's an avid cyclist and an avid family man. Ben's a bit of a design whirlwind. He speaks directly, he is seemingly always working on something whether it be for Freeman Transport, of which he is co-founder along with partner Nathaniel Freeman) or a Design Co-op project(of which he is the man), and if you've ever been on the phone with him, you quite possibly received a text and three emails from him while in mid conversation(I've considered creating an ongoing series soley based around the photos Ben has texted me from Missoula).
I can only imagine the Rube Goldberg contraption that is Ben's creative mechanism. But whatever that may look like, he's a stand up guy, a good friend and this is his Fall Three.

1. Cyclocross: Because riding a road bike in the dirt is fun. Originated as a way for Roadies to stay in shape through the off season. Races feature pavement, trails, grass, hills and obstacles requiring quick dismounts, carrying the bike and remounts. I am lucky enough to ride for the Le Petit Outre team where top 5 finishes get you a $25 credit at the bakery. For one hour I can turn myself inside out for pastries.

2. Apples: Growing up in NY, one of my most favorite things to do in the fall with my dad was to eat apples and donuts and drink hot apple cider. We used to laugh at the number of donuts we consumed. I think I set the record at 6. Montana at one time was an incredible producer of apples. My wife Julie turned me on to my favorite apple, the wonderfully russeted Ashmead's Kernel. One of the very best of the old European apples from the late 1600's to early 1700's. When I am missing the fall in NY I turn to Roger Yepsen, a must have on the shelf.

3. Wood burning Stoves: One of the best things I have ever purchased is a Jotul stove. I actually have 2. One in the house and one in the cabin. When it gets cold in Montana we are able to heat our home entirely with wood. I love everything about it. The chore of collecting wood, the art of stacking wood, splitting wood, and the starting of a fire in the beginning of the day.

4. And if i could add a fourth it would be the beautiful October Caddis. Nothing says happiness like throwing big dry flies. Just ask James Prosek
Thanks Ben for taking part. Photo of Ben x Chris Milliman.


  1. This is my favorite "fall three" so far. Thanks man.

  2. Ben, We'll have to hit the Mother's Day caddis this spring, that's one of my favourite times to be in your neighborhood. Great list, glad you added #4.
