Friday, June 19, 2009

A day with 3sixteen.

A Day with 3sixteen from 3sixteen on Vimeo.

Spotted this on their blog.
Looks like good things to come from 3sixteen.
Video by Hilton Carter


  1. An excellent video with an excellent song ("Where Damage Isn't Already Done" - The Radio Dept.)

    I truly respect companies like 3sixteen that pride themselves on showing how they work and why they work and create. Product provenance has been so lost and diluted since the arrival of mass-retailers, even most high-end is now low-end in disguise. A small company like 3sixteen open to show their down to earth suppliers and craftsmen (and women) that work on their products is really what drives people back to traditional brands in this new economy.

  2. Thanks for posting this James, and also for the thoughtful comment on the video Conrad. Glad you guys liked it.
